Friday, April 16, 2010

heroes del silencio

this is the best rock band rock in spanish
voz and guitar enrique ortiz (bunbury)
juan valdivia guitar
joaquin cardiel
pedro andreu

In the 2007 heroes del silencio start a commemorative tour along his 20 years

a bad day

the monday of the last week t hurt my shoulder when i was doing karate
i don't know why but i just fell i felt so stupid


My friend narsizo it's very similar to ricky martin but... in mexican stile jajaja
he is a good guy but not gay like to ricky
The people say that he is naco
But I think that like that it is his her personality

holy cellphone

the cellphone is very importan for the comunication in these days
the cellular one has many tools and applications
But with her use the written language has been modified

my classmate narcizo believes that I am similar to asuma, do you believes that is true?

she has a cigarette in the tooth all time an se has a headband but he has a beard without mostache that i have a diferent with hem.
when my class over this season im going to take a long time for me

we'll probably take some time off from work for take a vacations

woodstock !!!!!!!!

the best concert of the history in the photo you can see the people Drugging in an excessive way if i could travel to the future im going to see the concert.